Press Room

Virtual reality for everyone is a concept at the base of FIBRUM. VR and emotions in VR is the evolution of human needs, a motion to better life, and a kind of necessity. And the FIBRUM Company is one of the engines of this evolution.


The full immersive: businessman from Kazan changes the world via mobile virtual reality headset.


Investors appreciated DESIRIUM a worthy product for investing $1 000 000⠀

The Wall Street Journal

A Beginner’s Guide to Virtual Reality. Donning a headset to enter a 3D world is no longer science fiction.

VR Focus

Fibrum will be acting as content creator, distributor and publisher for content on new VR platform DESIRIUM

High-Tech Mail

Russian mobile virtual reality headset is already available for sale.

Look At Me

"Unfortunately Zuckerberg didn't buy us": Who prepares Russian response to Oculus Rift?

Russian Matrix, the view from the outside. The desk of tested the mobile virtual reality headset developed by Russian startup Fibrum.


VR headset Fibrum is already in Russian retail chain re:Store.


Virtual reality headsets Fibrum are available now.


Fibrum is a Russian company - producer of the mobile virtual reality headsets and developer of the mobile VR applications.


Fibrum specialists have told "Mel" edition  why people should not be afraid of virtual reality and how this technologies can be used  in education.

Russia Beyond

Russian startup, Fibrum, launches a new virtual reality platform that will unite gamers, game producers and headset developers across the globe

Yandex News

Russian VR-helmets Fibrum come to Europe and US markets


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